Our Capital Campaign
Dear Family in Christ,
As you may know, Atlanta Boulevard Seventh-day Adventist Church (ATL-BLVD) has moved forward with projects to enhance, repair, and renew our facility. A feasibility study indicated the congregation believes these building updates are important. Upon evaluation, ATL-BLVD decided to conduct the Sowing Seeds of Faith Capital Campaign to fund these projects and strengthen our community. To assure success, we are soliciting the help of every willing person. Whether a church member, family, or friend; anyone can participate in what is already proving to be a blessing.
Daryl S. Anderson Sr.,
1. Why are we doing a capital campaign?
The purpose of this capital campaign is to raise funds to renovate, repair, and update the facility at Atlanta Boulevard Seventh-day Adventist Church (ATLBLVD). It is also our plan to replenish the financial reserves for the fiscal health of our Church. This is a special fundraising effort for initiatives we are unable to pay for through our annual operating budget. The Sowing Seeds of Faith Capital Campaign theme communicates our desire to faithfully honor God through sacrificial giving by trusting in Him as we sow into the ministry He has placed in our charge. Through faith we take joy in the privilege of holding God at His word as we move forward in this very worthy initiative. "Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it" (Malachi 3:10b).
The following initiatives are based on input received by members who are stakeholders in the ministry of ATLBLVD.
Repair Roof - $25,000.00 (Complete)
Renovate Bathroom Floors and New Toilets - $13,200.00 (Complete)
Painting Lobby, Fellowship Hall, and Hallway - $3,700.00 (Complete)
Retile Lobby, Fellowship Hall, and Hallway Floors - $12,474.00 (Complete)
Painting - $3,000.00 (Complete)
Podium Upgrade - 12,000.00 (Complete)
Chair Pews - $36,845.00 (Complete)
New Church Logo Design - $1,500.00 (In-Kind Service) (Complete)
New Church Website - $40,000.00 (In-Kind Service) (Complete)
Multi-Media Marketing/Church Advertisement Commercial - $4,500.00 (Complete)
New Carpet & Installation - $28,620.00 (Complete)
Lighting/Audio Upgrade - $8,500.00 (Complete)
Audio/Visual Room Remodel - (Complete)
New Pulpit Projector Screens - (Complete)
Three Camera Video Data System/Projectors - $21,825.00
Property Fencing - $60,000.00
Repave Parking Lot - Estimated Cost $75,350.00
Replacing AC/Heating Units - Estimated Cost - $14,000.00
New Church Sign - $18,850.00
Mortgage Payoff - $310,000.00
Supporting Church Ministries Outreach Initiatives - $200,000.00
Funds for Future Church Operations/Savings - $168,150.00
Total: $1,000,000.00
2. What is the campaign goal and how long will it last?
The feasibility study results estimated that ATLBLVD has an ability to raise a minimum of $1,000,000 over a three‐year period, above and beyond our annual giving. Our goal is to raise at least this much or more to complete the proposed initiatives.
Under the leadership of our capital campaign committee, we have distributed and collected pledge cards, and will continue to invite every member to participate in the campaign and make a three‐year pledge above and beyond their regular giving.
3. When will the campaign projects be completed?
This depends on how much we are able to raise through the capital campaign. It is important for ATLBLVD to renovate and finish designated areas on our property, including the fence, parking lot, church building, and gymnasium.
4. Are these initiatives a want or a need for the congregation?
Over time, the membership and focus of our church has and will continue change. While it is our obligation to maintain Atlanta Boulevard's existing facilities, we cannot focus solely on today's needs. Many of the proposed initiatives are necessary to ensure our building properly serves current and future generations.
ATLBLVD serves as an outward expression of our inner faith. As members, we are part of an extended family which is called upon to actively support an array of worship, education, social outreach, fellowship programs and activities. As family members, each of us provides visible and tangible support and encouragement for all needs within the family, not just those that are important to ourselves. This is simply a part of discipleship in Christ.
5. Who will be asked to participate in a campaign?
Each member is given the same campaign information, and most importantly, every household will be asked to participate through volunteering and giving. "Not equal gifts, but equal commitment" is the philosophy that best describes this effort. Not everyone can make the same size gift or volunteer the same amount of time, but everyone has an ability to make a prayerful commitment to this effort.
6. How can I learn more about this campaign?
ATLBLVD will keep you informed through worship announcements, website, email, zoom meetings, and other forms of communication. We will also hold business meetings for questions and answers.
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
Luke 6:38 | NLT |
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My Seeds of Faith Capital Campaign Commitment